View Full Version : POLL: Was this bigger than the Gophers football game?

03-21-2009, 09:51 PM
While we won the Gophers game and we had more fans, I think this was bigger and more enjoyable. The Gophers are a mid level football team. This was "Big time D1" and it was against the National Champions. We can't make say "It was our Championship" and "they didn't take us seriously" because it was in the playoffs. It was also on National TV. I for one had more fun at this game than the Gophers in '06 and '07. We could never experience this in football unless we play in a bowl game. And I had a blast at the Gophers game!!

03-21-2009, 10:05 PM
Yes ++++++++++

03-21-2009, 10:21 PM
football rules the universe. Pretty cool though, and a big THANK YOU to the coaches and senior bb players to do this, wow.

03-21-2009, 11:10 PM
We got a hell of a lot more media exposure for this than the U of M game.

03-21-2009, 11:46 PM
this is easily bigger then the football game.....now lets hope it gets us some better recruits and transfers/jucos

03-22-2009, 12:14 AM
without question...

03-22-2009, 12:32 AM
For the overall exposure of the university, I'd say this is tops. For overall enjoyment for me personally, I'd still have the football game tops. While I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the game Friday, there was none of the absolute pure pandemonium that I felt as I watched Tyler Roehl outrunning the Gophers down the right sideline - that play was probably my favorite Bison moment of all time. :)

03-22-2009, 12:36 AM

Everyone was so excited to be there.

When Lucas made that diving save that led to the the three and then winks knocking it away and watching Nelson sprint and dive to chase it down in the opening minute was so cool to me. I knew from that point on we were in for something special.

03-22-2009, 01:02 AM

Everyone was so excited to be there.

When Lucas made that diving save that led to the the three and then winks knocking it away and watching Nelson sprint and dive to chase it down in the opening minute was so cool to me. I knew from that point on we were in for something special.


03-22-2009, 01:07 AM
From where I'm at...meaning that I wasn't able to attend either...it's hard to say which was bigger. I'm refering to my own attitude about the games. I realize how huge the Big Dance is, so there's no point in arguing about the size of the media coverage and audience.

Still...being the kind of football fan that I am...beating the Gophers in their own house...with so many Bison fans there...it's hard for me to say that I was more excited about the basketball tourney.

Both were huge in their own way. I can't vote. I abstain.

03-22-2009, 01:17 AM
Personally, I enjoyed the Gopher game more, but in the grand scheme of things, this loss is 10 times more important than the Gopher win.

...now if we had pulled off the "W" the impact would be immeasurable. Not to mention the fact that we would have had a damn good shot at beating Dayton. Then on to the sweet 16...but alas, it was not meant to be.

03-22-2009, 02:10 AM
Playing a team like Florida State or Penn State in a Bowl game would be comparable to a NCAA Tourney Game. Beating a mediocre Gopher football team, while satisfying is not even in the same league as this game.

(BTW Dayton is pretty good)

03-22-2009, 03:37 AM
Playing a team like Florida State or Penn State in a Bowl game would be comparable to a NCAA Tourney Game. Beating a mediocre Gopher football team, while satisfying is not even in the same league as this game.

(BTW Dayton is pretty good)

No question. I watched them beat WVU. I'm just saying, I would have liked our chances.

03-22-2009, 03:52 AM
While we won the Gophers game and we had more fans, I think this was bigger and more enjoyable. The Gophers are a mid level football team. This was "Big time D1" and it was against the National Champions. We can't make say "It was our Championship" and "they didn't take us seriously" because it was in the playoffs. It was also on National TV. I for one had more fun at this game than the Gophers in '06 and '07. We could never experience this in football unless we play in a bowl game. And I had a blast at the Gophers game!!
I think this game was bigger than the football game, mainly because of who we were playing. I was there, thoroughly enjoyed it. The only person that was not at first complimentary to me said "you have some nerve wearing Green Bay colors here, then I said they were NDSU colors and she said thats OK" Kansas Fans, Boston College Fans, Minnesota Fans, it was all the same.

03-22-2009, 04:02 AM
No question. I watched them beat WVU. I'm just saying, I would have liked our chances.

Me too, if we would have been able to win, I think we had a very good chance of making the Sweet Sixteen. That being said, we played one heck of a basketball game yesterday. The last couple of days fans from U of M, U of Wisconsin, Michigan, Michigan State, and Notre Dame complementing us how well we played in the dance!

03-22-2009, 04:49 AM
No doubt. NDSU was on the national stage in the biggest college sporting event in the world. NDSU accomplished something that has not been done since 1971. NDSU gave KU the defending NATIONAL CHAMPIONS all that they could handle.

The Bison making the Big Dance put NDSU and North Dakota on the national map.

It is not only bigger than the football win over the Gophers but bigger than any sporting accomplishment in the state of North Dakota!!!!!!

03-22-2009, 05:30 AM
I second that. I wore my NDSU stuff today all over Mpls. and had a lot of compliments on our team. This WAS the biggest sports acomplishment in ND college history. Words cannot convey the accomplishments these players and coaches made to ND college sports in this state to say nothing of the fact that these players are as close to being REAL STUDENT ATHLETES as possible in this day and age. I always tell people I wouldn't have spent 3 years traveling over 300 miles to these games if these players were the normal athletes taking up time and space as students. Please NDSU coaches and staff keep up the good work recruiting top STUDENT athletes like those on this team. Do not lower your standards to attract players just to become more competative. Let's be the DUKE of the North. Thanks for the dream, and it really did all came true yesterday. Thanks Woody, Winks, Nellie and Luke, you left a life time of memories. Good luck in your future endeavors, I know you will be sucess:nod: :nod: ful and remember to follow your DREAMS.

03-22-2009, 05:53 AM
I second that. I wore my NDSU stuff today all over Mpls. and had a lot of compliments on our team. This WAS the biggest sports acomplishment in ND college history. Words cannot convey the accomplishments these players and coaches made to ND college sports in this state to say nothing of the fact that these players are as close to being REAL STUDENT ATHLETES as possible in this day and age. I always tell people I wouldn't have spent 3 years traveling over 300 miles to these games if these players were the normal athletes taking up time and space as students. Please NDSU coaches and staff keep up the good work recruiting top STUDENT athletes like those on this team. Do not lower your standards to attract players just to become more competative. Let's be the DUKE of the North. Thanks for the dream, and it really did all came true yesterday. Thanks Woody, Winks, Nellie and Luke, you left a life time of memories. Good luck in your future endeavors, I know you will be sucess:nod: :nod: ful and remember to follow your DREAMS.

I totally agree. I remember vividly as a die hard Duke fan 4 years ago when I was watching Duke get beat for the 1st time all season by Georgetown on TV and listening to NDSU beat Wisconsin on the radio. I became sooo excited and thought...These boys are going to be special. From that day on I have attended almost every home game and every SDSU/Minnesota road game. These boys have provided more entertainment than Duke could ever for me. Thank you guys for putting us on the map and hopefully the next generation can build off this. I see alot of upside for these younger guys. Now lets get them an arena worth playing in! GO BISON! ;)

03-22-2009, 05:57 AM
Had an absolute blast at the game. From a fans perspective, this game had a similar energy to it like both Gopher games. You know that feeling when you're the underdog, and every play or possesion is huge. Every basket made, every foul drawn, every 1st and 10, completion, 3 yard and a cloud of dust up the middle, etc., seems like such a huge deal. That for me has been what's made the dance and the Gopher games so fun for me. So us making the dance, just that instant when the clock against Oakland said 0.00 just seemed so huge and it was. Being rewarded with a game where a loss was only a loss because the scoreboard said 10-9, and then totally dominating the Gophers again and getting the win, and then watching us hang with Kansas in the opening round of the NCAA Tourney. Just amazing and am sure proud to be a Bison fan. And on another note, if we had beaten Kansas, imagine the confidence booster that is to a team. Who do you face after The defending national champions University of Friggin' Kansas Jayhawks that seem intimidating or unbeatable ?

03-22-2009, 06:31 AM
Yes this game was bigger than the football game. Much more at stake and much more media attention with this game.

03-22-2009, 04:09 PM
To me, asking which game was bigger is kinda like asking which of your kids you love more. Each of the games had its place and purpose. The end result has each of these games building on the previous to make a statement that was a goal of the transition - NDSU belongs in DI.

03-23-2009, 02:24 PM
This was without a doubt bigger then the Gopher game. The excitement of the Gopher football game was fueled by how close we came the year before against them and by the idiocy of their head coach who couldn't keep his mouth shut. It gave us a greater feeling with the victory because of just the sense of accomplishment against something that was completely not even imagined 4 years earlier. That game set the sights for our fan base on belonging and being able to beat who ever we played. But in all actuality the Gophers were a 1-10 football team and dead last in the Big 10.

The game Friday against Kansas was against the defending national champion. One of the most storied programs in the history of college basketball. The equivalent with football would be giving Texas, USC or Notre Dame a run right up to the end where they needed a late TD to beat us following a national championship season and are headed to another conference championship and ranked in the top 10. Lets face it, the Gophs have not even been to the Rose Bowl in over 30 years let alone come close to a national championship.

The performance Friday earned this school and players more respect then a couple of wins in a row over the gophers in football.

03-23-2009, 02:50 PM
The excitement of the Gopher football game was fueled by......................

Fargo's love affair with football. We need to covert them into basketball fans aswell. These boys did everything they could. Now the program needs to step up and fill in. Heres to Fargo developing a love affair with basketball aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

03-23-2009, 03:09 PM
This was without a doubt bigger then the Gopher game. The excitement of the Gopher football game was fueled by how close we came the year before against them and by the idiocy of their head coach who couldn't keep his mouth shut. It gave us a greater feeling with the victory because of just the sense of accomplishment against something that was completely not even imagined 4 years earlier. That game set the sights for our fan base on belonging and being able to beat who ever we played. But in all actuality the Gophers were a 1-10 football team and dead last in the Big 10.

The game Friday against Kansas was against the defending national champion. One of the most storied programs in the history of college basketball. The equivalent with football would be giving Texas, USC or Notre Dame a run right up to the end where they needed a late TD to beat us following a national championship season and are headed to another conference championship and ranked in the top 10. Lets face it, the Gophs have not even been to the Rose Bowl in over 30 years let alone come close to a national championship.

The performance Friday earned this school and players more respect then a couple of wins in a row over the gophers in football.

What you say about the record is true however the gophers that year had one of the best offenses in the big ten and scored 40+ points on every team in the big ten. Our defense held them down at their home. IMO we could have competed with any team in the big ten including ohio state. I'm not saying we would of won any of these games, and we would of taken a hell of a beating as far as physical injurys would go, but we would of kept almost every game very close probably winning a few more than the goophers did.

the Walker era NDSU teams were amazing. And we would of done it with our D-2 recruits.

03-23-2009, 03:12 PM
Fargo's love affair with football. We need to covert them into basketball fans aswell. These boys did everything they could. Now the program needs to step up and fill in. Heres to Fargo developing a love affair with basketball aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)

Basketball is great but to be totally honest, if they played at the same time as football i wouldnt go to a single basketball game.

03-23-2009, 03:28 PM
Basketball is great but to be totally honest, if they played at the same time as football i wouldnt go to a single basketball game.

They don't plan at the same time so whats your point. NCAA football and basketball are pretty much on the same level and are the two major sports.

03-23-2009, 03:59 PM
What you say about the record is true however the gophers that year had one of the best offenses in the big ten and scored 40+ points on every team in the big ten. Our defense held them down at their home. IMO we could have competed with any team in the big ten including ohio state. I'm not saying we would of won any of these games, and we would of taken a hell of a beating as far as physical injurys would go, but we would of kept almost every game very close probably winning a few more than the goophers did.

the Walker era NDSU teams were amazing. And we would of done it with our D-2 recruits.

The Gophers scored 40 points on every team in the Big Ten that year huh?

03-23-2009, 04:14 PM
What you say about the record is true however the gophers that year had one of the best offenses in the big ten and scored 40+ points on every team in the big ten. Our defense held them down at their home. IMO we could have competed with any team in the big ten including ohio state. I'm not saying we would of won any of these games, and we would of taken a hell of a beating as far as physical injurys would go, but we would of kept almost every game very close probably winning a few more than the goophers did.

the Walker era NDSU teams were amazing. And we would of done it with our D-2 recruits.

The Gophers scored more than 40 points ONCE against their Big-Ten opponents that year and LOST the game (to Northwestern)
They averaged only 22.8 points per conference game and only 33 points per game in their 4 non-conference match ups.
Thanks alot for checking your facts. If only you knew how obsessive compulsive I am and had to go to great lengths to research your error!! SHEE-ITE!!

03-23-2009, 04:15 PM
Basketball is great but to be totally honest, if they played at the same time as football i wouldnt go to a single basketball game.

I wouldn't go that far, but I could say pretty much the opposite. 90% of the time I would go to the basketball game. Obviously, if we were playing Mayville and the SDSU football game was at the same time, I'd choose football. Bottom line is though, if you made me say football or basketball, I'd say basketball. ;)

03-23-2009, 04:21 PM
I wouldn't go that far, but I could say pretty much the opposite. 90% of the time I would go to the basketball game. Obviously, if we were playing Mayville and the SDSU football game was at the same time, I'd choose football. Bottom line is though, if you made me say football or basketball, I'd say basketball. ;)

you would???

03-23-2009, 04:25 PM
The Gophers scored more than 40 points ONCE against their Big-Ten opponents that year and LOST the game (to Northwestern)
They averaged only 22.8 points per conference game and only 33 points per game in their 4 non-conference match ups.
Thanks alot for checking your facts. If only you knew how obsessive compulsive I am and had to go to great lengths to research your error!! SHEE-ITE!!

It's no wonder some Gopher fans view all Bison fans as being delusional.
