View Full Version : The Best Qb's in FCS Today!!!

10-20-2011, 06:26 AM

10-20-2011, 01:03 PM
Wow, Jensen doesn't even make the list? What more does the guy have to do?

10-20-2011, 01:50 PM
Wow, Jensen doesn't even make the list? What more does the guy have to do?
throw his way out of a wet paper bag.

10-20-2011, 02:12 PM
throw his way out of a wet paper bag.

Whoa, whoa, whoooooooaaa. Wait a second? The paper bag is wet now? That changes everything! I'm sure even emdiggy can get on board with NDSU throwing if the paper bag is wet.


10-20-2011, 02:21 PM
Lots of Jensen love in the comments haha

10-20-2011, 02:32 PM
lol @ lakes. Esley looks like a terrible qb in games so far, how would he possibly make the list with like 20 snaps most of them being pretty bad.

Brock NDSU then mcghee, then rinnie, then NDSU’s backup esley thorton.

Lum is pretty good. Brock should be on the list too.

10-20-2011, 02:51 PM
thank you twenty six.......I dont know what lakes has been smokin....evaluating qb talent is not his strength

10-20-2011, 05:55 PM
I'm interested to see row Jensen does in a rivalry game on teh road and vs uni and isu

10-20-2011, 06:19 PM
UNI game and playoffs will determine how good he is. I'd rather have Brock towards the top of this list at the end of the year than right now.

10-20-2011, 06:23 PM
He is coming off his best game and playing well this season, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Brock will ultimately be judged on how far he can take us this season, and there is a lot of season left!

10-20-2011, 07:58 PM
He is coming off his best game and playing well this season, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Brock will ultimately be judged on how far he can take us this season, and there is a lot of season left!
Who on that list has lead their team farther than Brock Jensen????? His team has already won multiple games in the playoffs, is undefeated this year, and Brock is having a better season than anyone on that list now. It's amazing that he isn't number one on that list.

10-20-2011, 09:19 PM
Who on that list has lead their team farther than Brock Jensen????? His team has already won multiple games in the playoffs, is undefeated this year, and Brock is having a better season than anyone on that list now. It's amazing that he isn't number one on that list.

As much as I would like to agree with you hando DMAC is killing it this year, Brocks numbers are barely comparable.

10-20-2011, 09:22 PM
Who on that list has lead their team farther than Brock Jensen????? His team has already won multiple games in the playoffs, is undefeated this year, and Brock is having a better season than anyone on that list now. It's amazing that he isn't number one on that list.

There is a lot of season left! We are just getting to the meat of our schedule! If you guys want to hand out mid season awards or whatever this list is, thats fine by me, but he will be judged by how far he takes us the rest of the season! Thats the bottom line!

10-21-2011, 01:41 AM
As much as I would like to agree with you hando DMAC is killing it this year, Brocks numbers are barely comparable.

DMAC can kill it as much as he wants. He also plays in a pass-happy offense correct? He is a very talented player but if he runs into the Herd again this year....well, we saw how that goes.

10-21-2011, 02:41 AM
You know, it is no wonder fans from other teams think Bison fans are full of themselves and fanatics--KEEP THINGS IN EFFIN PERSPECTIVE A BIT--or at least try to!!

10-21-2011, 03:39 AM
You know, it is no wonder fans from other teams think Bison fans are full of themselves and fanatics--KEEP THINGS IN EFFIN PERSPECTIVE A BIT--or at least try to!!

I was under the impression that we ARE full of ourselves?

10-21-2011, 04:49 AM
You know, it is no wonder fans from other teams think Bison fans are full of themselves and fanatics--KEEP THINGS IN EFFIN PERSPECTIVE A BIT--or at least try to!!

Is fan not short for fanatic???

10-21-2011, 06:56 AM
throw his way out of a wet paper bag.

Let me get this straight. Being this way is your schtick ?? The anti-Bison routine...as in a stand-up routine? Surely most of what you write is a part of the act.

10-21-2011, 07:03 AM
He is coming off his best game and playing well this season, but lets not get ahead of ourselves. Brock will ultimately be judged on how far he can take us this season, and there is a lot of season left!

I completely agree with you. The only stat that matters is where the team ends up.

10-21-2011, 11:55 AM
Let me get this straight. Being this way is your schtick ?? The anti-Bison routine...as in a stand-up routine? Surely most of what you write is a part of the act.

Make it easy for ya.....don't read his stuff.

10-21-2011, 12:07 PM
Make it easy for ya.....don't read his stuff.

If your going to try to be funny, and your not, you gotta take the heat!

10-21-2011, 12:56 PM
Let me get this straight. Being this way is your schtick ?? The anti-Bison routine...as in a stand-up routine? Surely most of what you write is a part of the act.

You can not be serious. He was mocking what Emory Hunt said on his Football Gameplan take.

10-21-2011, 01:02 PM
You can not be serious. He was mocking what Emory Hunt said on his Football Gameplan take.

You mean...every time he posts?

10-21-2011, 01:06 PM
You mean...every time he posts?

I have no idea what you are even talking about...

10-21-2011, 01:19 PM
I have no idea what you are even talking about...

I would have to agree.

10-21-2011, 02:49 PM
I found the best FCS QB.

10-21-2011, 03:03 PM
As much as I would like to agree with you hando DMAC is killing it this year, Brocks numbers are barely comparable.
Really? Barely comparable?

Comp %
Brock: 71.8%
DMac: 60.9%

Brock: 9-1
DMac: 15-5

Sure, MCGee passes alot more, but his stats sure aren't better!

10-21-2011, 03:07 PM
I found the best FCS QB.

LOL if anyone is friends with Brock PLEASE show him this.

10-21-2011, 03:19 PM
I found the best FCS QB.

And there's the first belly laugh of the day!

10-21-2011, 07:59 PM
If your going to try to be funny, and your not, you gotta take the heat!

Who's trying to be funny?

CA was asking if his crap he posts is an act. LOL...I'm trying to be funny? What?

MN posts some off-the-wall crap. Don't read his crap is all I'm saying to CA. Not too hard to figure out.

10-21-2011, 08:50 PM
Really? Barely comparable?

Comp %
Brock: 71.8%
DMac: 60.9%

Brock: 9-1
DMac: 15-5

Sure, MCGee passes alot more, but his stats sure aren't better!

I dont have the stats to prove how much DMAC passes but is much less then last year. I'm saying as a biased Bison fan watching every game both have played DMAC would be my QB he's THAT good. I still say NDSU is a better team.

10-21-2011, 08:56 PM
I dont have the stats to prove how much DMAC passes but is much less then last year. I'm saying as a biased Bison fan watching every game both have played DMAC would be my QB he's THAT good. I still say NDSU is a better team.
Darius..106-172-5 Eff 162.54 YD 1596
Brock.....89-124-1 Eff 168.70 YD 1101

These stats were taken from the respecitive schools statistics page.

10-21-2011, 09:01 PM

These stats were taken from the respecitive schools statistics page.

And I'm sure way more passing yards DMAC has a passer rating of 162.93 which is THIRD in the BS so maybe you could make an argument Brock isn't even the 2nd best qb in the BS. Take it for whatever it's worth.:hide:

10-21-2011, 09:03 PM
And I'm sure way more passing yards DMAC has a passer rating of 162.93 which is THIRD in the BS so maybe you could make an argument Brock isn't even the 2nd best qb in the BS. Take it for whatever it's worth.:hide:

Brock jensen is actually the #3 QB in the entire nation when it comes to passing eff.

Denarius is #8.

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/stats/2011/diviaa/individual/passing_efficiency_byQB_RATING.html <---- click the link for passer eff rankings.

Brock is #1 in the nation in completion %.

Denarius is tied for #41.

I am obviously talking only about FCS.

Brocks yd/att is 8.9.

Denarius yd/att is 9.3.

Unless brock throws quite a few int in the next couple games, I would say he is a more consistent and all toghether better qb.

Denarius is great too though.

10-21-2011, 09:07 PM
Brock jensen is actually the #3 QB in the entire nation when it comes to passing eff.

Denarus is #8.

http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/ncaa/stats/2011/diviaa/individual/passing_efficiency_byQB_RATING.html <---- click the link for passer eff rankings.

Brock is #1 in the nation in completion %.

I am obviously talking only about FCS.

Not to get in a pissing match but it's not like NDSU has played the stiffest competition on their schedule. Let's compare all this stuff in 3 weeks.

10-21-2011, 09:14 PM
Not to get in a pissing match but it's not like NDSU has played the stiffest competition on their schedule. Let's compare all this stuff in 3 weeks.

Denarius also has an entire other game played in his stats. MSU has played 7 games NDSU has played 6.

10-21-2011, 09:14 PM
Not to get in a pissing match but it's not like NDSU has played the stiffest competition on their schedule. Let's compare all this stuff in 3 weeks.

Big Fluffy.


10-21-2011, 09:16 PM
I didn't even realize that and trust me I'm in NO ay affiliated with MSU other then attending school here. That's some good shit you provided me though I've got a prof who talks mad shit about NDSU's schedule so i'll be sure to mention that to him!!

10-21-2011, 09:17 PM
Big Fluffy.

My thoughts exactly bruh

10-21-2011, 09:19 PM
My thoughts exactly bruh

Haha, I couldn't resist. No argument from me with his ability. He looked pretty legit last year.

10-21-2011, 09:23 PM
Haha, I couldn't resist. No argument from me with his ability. He looked pretty legit last year.

I wouldnt be that upset if he were on our team. :p

10-21-2011, 10:54 PM
If I had to pick a freakishly accurate pocket passer with a pile of poise, and confidence, or an average accuracy passer with running ability, I take the accurate pocket passer every day of the week and twice on Sunday. I'm thinking Randal Cunningham vs. Tom Brady. I bet most coaches would too.

10-21-2011, 11:26 PM
Not to get in a pissing match but it's not like NDSU has played the stiffest competition on their schedule. Let's compare all this stuff in 3 weeks.

Minot State.

10-22-2011, 12:04 AM
Why is this still a discussion?!?

4 of 5 Kolpacks surveyed say I'm the best.

No one else's hair comes close to mine.

10-22-2011, 01:02 AM
LOL if anyone is friends with Brock PLEASE show him this.LoL,I will send it to him,LoL

10-22-2011, 01:07 AM
Brock has a ways to go before being crowned the best QB in the FCS, he is off to a great start though. These next three games will tell a lot about how great he is.

10-22-2011, 01:20 AM
Haha, I couldn't resist. No argument from me with his ability. He looked pretty legit last year.
Yeah, except the pussy part.

10-29-2011, 11:34 PM
Oh yaaaaaaaa, its the man BROCK "THE ROCK" JENSEN!!!!!!! BELIEVE IT!!!!!

06-18-2012, 07:47 PM
Sad,Sad,Sad not even a sniff!!!! :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-4XTgv-ykY

06-18-2012, 07:49 PM
Sad,Sad,Sad not even a sniff!!!! :( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-4XTgv-ykY


06-18-2012, 08:12 PM
Austin Sumner is better than Brock Jensen?

That is some funny stuff!!!

06-18-2012, 08:17 PM


06-18-2012, 08:55 PM
I watched some of the other videos that popped up. Whoever put together "Best Safeties of 2012" should look at the Heagle footage from last year's playoff run, particularly the GSU game against the "But Bama" triple option.

06-18-2012, 08:59 PM
Austin Sumner is better than Brock Jensen?

That is some funny stuff!!!

Both are excellent IMO. Sumner got put in a real rough situation.

06-18-2012, 09:09 PM
Austin Sumner is better than Brock Jensen?

That is some funny stuff!!!

I'm not sure who is a better overall (leadership, intagibles, etc), but Austin Sumner is a hell of a QB and a better passer. I would take Sumner over Jensen right now, but you can't take away from what he's done. He's a national champion.

By the way, Brad Sorenson is still at Southern Utah? That kid needs to graduate and get out of there!

06-18-2012, 09:16 PM
I'm not sure who is a better overall (leadership, intagibles, etc), but Austin Sumner is a hell of a QB and a better passer. I would take Sumner over Jensen right now, but you can't take away from what he's done. He's a national champion.

By the way, Brad Sorenson is still at Southern Utah? That kid needs to graduate and get out of there!

Is this guy kiddin?

06-18-2012, 09:26 PM
Brock is one of the good ones for sure. Before he got hurt last fall his accuracy was amazing.

He led us to a championship. I'll take that over the stats that other QBs have.

06-18-2012, 09:29 PM
I'm not sure who is a better overall (leadership, intagibles, etc), but Austin Sumner is a hell of a QB and a better passer. I would take Sumner over Jensen right now, but you can't take away from what he's done. He's a national champion.

By the way, Brad Sorenson is still at Southern Utah? That kid needs to graduate and get out of there!

Brock understands the concept of ball-control...and taking control of a game. Stats mean nothing in a championship run. We've seen it many times.

06-18-2012, 09:44 PM
Brock understands the concept of ball-control...and taking control of a game. Stats mean nothing in a championship run. We've seen it many times.

I agree with ya Cal. Winners win.

06-18-2012, 09:45 PM
Is this guy kiddin?

I'm totally being a homer. I'll admit it. Both are great QBs.

I could see Sumner being pretty successful with NDSU's running game.

06-18-2012, 10:19 PM
I'm totally being a homer. I'll admit it. Both are great QBs.

I could see Sumner being pretty successful with NDSU's running game.

It's alright, I am biased toward NDSU so understand.

Sumner is good, we'll learn a lot more this fall I think.

Mr. Burgundy
06-18-2012, 10:30 PM
Anyone know why Sumner put up great stats last year?

A) They were getting their butt kicked in most games and playing from behind.
B) No running game to speak of. Still have no clue why Stig goes away from smashmouth on that horrendous grass field and goes 5 wide.
C) He had great receivers
D) The defense allows yards when they are up big. Always happens.

With that being said, I think Sumner is a fantastic QB. Their last QB had no heart and loved Cheech and Chong more than the average guy should. Sumner is local, big kid, strong arm, and was thrown into a disaster of a situation. I think their recruiting/stability of kids leaving the program was more of their concern. He is a good one. He could win with the Bison no question. But, Brock is a big strong kid with a great arm, very accurate, great legs and a heart of a champion. That 55 yard TD is a NDSU history run. Kid couldn't even walk before the game he was so sick. Stuff legends are made of. He improved a ton last year and is the leader of this offense. Just watch how he handles the offense. Lucky we have a QB with a national championship under his belt and 2 years remaining. Stacked at QB is an understatement. Bohl learned that lesson once.

06-18-2012, 10:42 PM
Brock has won as many playoff games as Sumner has won total games...more if you count the Montana State game that Mohler finished.

06-18-2012, 11:45 PM
Is this a video of Thorton and Wentz?

06-19-2012, 02:58 AM
Anyone know why Sumner put up great stats last year?

A) They were getting their butt kicked in most games and playing from behind.
B) No running game to speak of. Still have no clue why Stig goes away from smashmouth on that horrendous grass field and goes 5 wide.
C) He had great receivers
D) The defense allows yards when they are up big. Always happens.

With that being said, I think Sumner is a fantastic QB. Their last QB had no heart and loved Cheech and Chong more than the average guy should. Sumner is local, big kid, strong arm, and was thrown into a disaster of a situation. I think their recruiting/stability of kids leaving the program was more of their concern. He is a good one. He could win with the Bison no question. But, Brock is a big strong kid with a great arm, very accurate, great legs and a heart of a champion. That 55 yard TD is a NDSU history run. Kid couldn't even walk before the game he was so sick. Stuff legends are made of. He improved a ton last year and is the leader of this offense. Just watch how he handles the offense. Lucky we have a QB with a national championship under his belt and 2 years remaining. Stacked at QB is an understatement. Bohl learned that lesson once.

Tommy Chong was just diagnosed with prostate cancer and guess what he treats it with......wait for it............wait for it.............yup, CANNABIS! That right there is the definition of irony.

06-19-2012, 03:00 AM
Is this a video of Thorton and Wentz?

The guy can't even start a thread without it turning into a clusterf&*K......awesome. :hide::biggrin:

06-19-2012, 03:35 AM
I watched some of the other videos that popped up. Whoever put together "Best Safeties of 2012" should look at the Heagle footage from last year's playoff run, particularly the GSU game against the "But Bama" triple option.

^^^^^ Totally agree! Plus, they had Marcus Williams as a senior. The nation wishes he was a senior!

06-19-2012, 03:42 AM
Is this a video of Thorton and Wentz?

This conversation is ridiculous, Brock isn't even the best QB on our roster. His upbringing isn't anywhere NEAR close enough to the west bank of the Northern Missouri.

06-21-2012, 03:02 AM
all other fcs quarterbacks pale in the glory that is me.... chop shop,chop shop,chop shop !!!!!!

06-21-2012, 03:36 PM
Damn............the offseason is long...........folks are bored!:rofl:

06-23-2012, 11:15 PM
Withdrawl more than anything.